No meu tempo livre (domingo e noites dos dias de semana), fui rever um pouco da cidade e tirei varias fotos lindas! Passei pelo Big Ben, Jubilee Gardens (que tem varias coisas legais pra se fazer e a London Eye), Tower Of London, Piccadilly Circus, Oxford Circus, Chinatown e tirei fotos de um pouco do que vi pelo caminho.
E aqui as fotos da semana!
This last week I went London, and we can see already that spring is there! Was so sunny and not that cold as always is.
On my free time (sunday and weekdays at night), I was seeing again some places and I took a ton of beautiful pictures! I went Big Ben, Jubilee Gardens (that have a lot of cool things to do and London Eye), Tower Of London, Piccadilly Circus, Oxford Circus, Chinatown and I took some pictures of things that I've see on my way.
And here some pictures of the week!
Adoro poder sempre voltar e poder ficar uma semana inteira <3
Gostaram? Para ver mais fotos e antes de todo o mundo, me siga no Instagram! E @giizeleoliveira!
I love always go back to London and stay the whole week <3
Do you guys like? To see more pictures and before everybody, follow me on Instagram! It's @giizeleoliveira!
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