Abbey Road:
Finalmente fui conhecer a famosa Abbey Road dos Beatles! Não sou fã nem nada do tipo, mas é clássico e eu estou aqui mesmo, não podia deixar de ir!
Bem legal não é mesmo?
Finally I went in the famous Abbey Road of The Beatles! I'm not a Beatles fan, but it's classic and I'm here, so I couldn't just not go!
It's so cool right?
Bem legal não é mesmo?
Finally I went in the famous Abbey Road of The Beatles! I'm not a Beatles fan, but it's classic and I'm here, so I couldn't just not go!
It's so cool right?
Notting Hill:
Fui em Notting Hill em um dia nada bom, estava chovendo bastante e já era tarde, então não consegui ver muito bem as lojas e tudo mais, mas lá é bem legal! Tinham vários brechós incriveis (porém carissimos), lojinhas bem baratinhas e só vi o final do final do famoso Portobello Market :(
I went in Notting Hill not in a good day, was raining a lot and was too late, I couldn't see a lot of stores and everything, but it's really nice! They have a lot of good vintage clothing places (but fucking expensive), little stores pretty cheap and I just saw the end of the famous Portobello Market :(
I went in Notting Hill not in a good day, was raining a lot and was too late, I couldn't see a lot of stores and everything, but it's really nice! They have a lot of good vintage clothing places (but fucking expensive), little stores pretty cheap and I just saw the end of the famous Portobello Market :(
Liverpool Street/ Brick Lane/ Old Spitalfields Market:
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Me and Jacky, always seeing London togheter |
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It's my name so hard like that? |
Como vocês podem ver nas fotos, esse foi um dos lugares mais legais que eu visitei! Fui com a Jacqueline do Trashy Vogue conhecer a cidade. Na Brick Lane tinham várias lojas legais, vários brechós, muita street art, muitos detalhes que muitas vezes ninguém percebe, mas como eu ando olhando dos 7 cantos, vejo tudo!
E também conheci a feira Old Spitalfields Market, que é uma feira com várias coisas vintage, tanto acessórios, coisas para a casa e roupas. Mas como tudo que é vintage aqui, era SUPER caro!
How you guys can see in the pictures, these was the best places that I went until now! In the Brick Lane have a lot of cool stores, a lot of vintage clothing, a lot of street art, and details that some people don't see, but I walk looking for the 7 sides, I see everything!
And also I went in the Old Spitalfelds Market, it's a market with a lot of vintage things! For the house, accesoires and clothes. But as always, everything that is vintage here it's really expensive!
E também conheci a feira Old Spitalfields Market, que é uma feira com várias coisas vintage, tanto acessórios, coisas para a casa e roupas. Mas como tudo que é vintage aqui, era SUPER caro!
How you guys can see in the pictures, these was the best places that I went until now! In the Brick Lane have a lot of cool stores, a lot of vintage clothing, a lot of street art, and details that some people don't see, but I walk looking for the 7 sides, I see everything!
And also I went in the Old Spitalfelds Market, it's a market with a lot of vintage things! For the house, accesoires and clothes. But as always, everything that is vintage here it's really expensive!
Gostaram? É tudo bem diferente não é mesmo? Eu amei todos esses lugares!
Todas as fotos foram tiradas do iPhone 5c e editadas no VSCOcam!
Did you guys liked? It's everythings pretty different right? I love all these places!