Desde que pensei em começar a modelar eu ja sabia que não seria facil. Ja contei minha historia milhōes de vezes de como comecei minha vida modelistica né? Pois é, com meu tio e seus famosos vestidos de noiva.
Ele sempre me falava: "Quer ser modelo? Vai sofrer hein minha filha. Você vai comer o pão que o diabo amassou". Ele é super engraçado então eu sempre ria quando ele falava isso ou coisas do tipo, ou também quando eu tinha que desfilar com um sapato menor e desconfortavel que dava bolhas e ele falava "modelo não reclama".
A melhor parte de ser modelo todos ja sabem, afinal quem tem costume de ler revistas de moda ou adora o assunto sabe que o sucesso e as maiores campanhas do mundo são o melhor presente do mundo, ter reconhecimento no que faz é tudo que todo o mundo quer, seja la qual seja a profissao.A pior parte de ser modelo pra mim é uma mistura de tudo que eu sempre odiei e que hoje tenho que lidar todos os dias.
Eu odiava ficar sem meus cachorros, eu odiava ficar sozinha em casa, eu odiava cozinhar, eu odiava ir no supermercado, eu odiava não conhecer as pessoas da minha turma na escola, eu odiava as pessoas mandando em mim, entre outras coisas.
Quando a gente é criança e briga com os irmãos a gente so pensa: "Queria tanto ter minha propria casa, sem ninguem pra perturbar!", mas assim que você começa a morar sozinha até de alguem pra brigar você sente falta.
A pior parte de ser modelo é ter momentos em que você vai pedir por favor um dia de folga, e outros que por favor apareça um trabalhinho que for porque você precisa pagar aluguel e comida.
A pior parte de ser modelo é que você nao pode confiar em ninguem, e raramente você acha um amigo de verdade. Até hoje so achei três.
Viajar é a melhor coisa do mundo, mas enfrentar aeroportos, problemas com mala perdida, problemas com a estadia, cartão bloqueado porque banco acha que seu cartao foi roubado, aprender a lidar com cidades novas todos os dias, gastar muuuuito dinheiro com tudo, se perder quando ta atrasada, pessoas que odeiam ajudar... e por ai vai.
Mas a pior parte mesmo é você sempre estar longe de quem ama, de ter que sentir saudades de tudo e todos, de saber que saudades agora é o seu unico sentimento de vida. Sabe quando você fica doente e alguem sempre te ajuda te dando remedio ou te levando no medico? Isso não existe mais, agora a unica pessoa que se importa com você é você mesma.
O engraçado é que mesmo eu sabendo de tudo isso antes de começar eu nunca deixei de amar a profissão, so me fez sentir mais garra de correr atras e vencer, afinal nada que vale a pena cai do céu.
Contos de fadas não existem, ser modelo não é facil mesmo, acredite.
What's the worst part of being a model?
Since I thought of start modeling I knew wouldn't be easy. I told you guys a lot of times how I started my model life right? Was with my uncle and his famous wedding dresses.
He used to say: "Do you wanna be a model? U gonna see what is to suffer!", he's super funny so I used to laugh when he was saying that, also when I was gonna do a runway show and the shoes were too small or uncomfortable that give blisters and stuff, he used to say "models don't complain".
The best part of being a model everybody knows, people that are used to read fashion magazines/websites or just love fashion knows that the biggest campaigns of the world are the best gift to a model, also having acknowledgment is everything people ask for, doesn't matter what's your career.
The worst part of being a model to me is a mix of everything I used to hate and now I have to live with.
I used to hate living without my dogs, I used to hate be home alone, I used to hate cook, I used to hate go grocery shopping, I used to hate be new and don't know people of my class on school, I used to hate people telling me what to do, and other things.
When we are kids and we fight with our siblings we just think about how much you wanna have your own home, when you live alone you even miss people to fight with.
The worst part of being a model is that sometimes you are begging for a free day, just to sleep a bit more, and sometimes you are praying to get a job because you need to pay your bills.
The worst part of being a model is that you cannot trust anybody, and rarely you are gonna find a friend. Until now I've only found three.
Travel is the best thing in the world, but deal with airports, problems with lost luggage, with the place you were supposed to stay, card blocked because the bank thought you card was stolen, deal with new cities all the time, spending a LOOOOT of money with everything, losing yourself when you are already late, people that hate to help the others... And more, much more.
But the worst part ever is to learn how to live without people that you love, that you have to miss everything and everybody, and this is your major feeling right now. Do you know when you get sick and you always have somebody to help you, give you medicine and stuff? This doesn't exist anymore, the only person that cares about you right now is yourself.
The funniest thing is that I knew most of this before I started traveling, and I never stopped loving my job, just made me feel even more strong to go thru all this and win, because everything that is worth don't fall from the sky.
Fairytales doesn't exist, being a model isn't easy, believe it.
He used to say: "Do you wanna be a model? U gonna see what is to suffer!", he's super funny so I used to laugh when he was saying that, also when I was gonna do a runway show and the shoes were too small or uncomfortable that give blisters and stuff, he used to say "models don't complain".
The best part of being a model everybody knows, people that are used to read fashion magazines/websites or just love fashion knows that the biggest campaigns of the world are the best gift to a model, also having acknowledgment is everything people ask for, doesn't matter what's your career.
The worst part of being a model to me is a mix of everything I used to hate and now I have to live with.
I used to hate living without my dogs, I used to hate be home alone, I used to hate cook, I used to hate go grocery shopping, I used to hate be new and don't know people of my class on school, I used to hate people telling me what to do, and other things.
When we are kids and we fight with our siblings we just think about how much you wanna have your own home, when you live alone you even miss people to fight with.
The worst part of being a model is that sometimes you are begging for a free day, just to sleep a bit more, and sometimes you are praying to get a job because you need to pay your bills.
The worst part of being a model is that you cannot trust anybody, and rarely you are gonna find a friend. Until now I've only found three.
Travel is the best thing in the world, but deal with airports, problems with lost luggage, with the place you were supposed to stay, card blocked because the bank thought you card was stolen, deal with new cities all the time, spending a LOOOOT of money with everything, losing yourself when you are already late, people that hate to help the others... And more, much more.
But the worst part ever is to learn how to live without people that you love, that you have to miss everything and everybody, and this is your major feeling right now. Do you know when you get sick and you always have somebody to help you, give you medicine and stuff? This doesn't exist anymore, the only person that cares about you right now is yourself.
The funniest thing is that I knew most of this before I started traveling, and I never stopped loving my job, just made me feel even more strong to go thru all this and win, because everything that is worth don't fall from the sky.
Fairytales doesn't exist, being a model isn't easy, believe it.
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